Plan that’s right for you

Pricing plans

At Tathyanka, we offer a range of products to meet the diverseneeds of yours. Our team can help you determine the rightproduct based on your specific goals and requirements. Whetheryou're looking for general analytics, industry-specific analysis, or acustomized MIS report, we have a solution that's right for you.

Stock Analysis

Rs.1000/week /user
  • Detailed insight of broker analysis

  • Detailed insights of company analysis

  • Link between broker and company

  • Recent hot topics

  • More additional details

Economic Analysis

Rs.50000/year /user
  • In-depth study of economic factors of Nepal

  • Inflation rate, trends analysis

  • Import, Export and Balance of payments

  • Lending and deposit analysis and trends

  • More additional details

Banking Analysis

Rs.50000/year /user
  • Overall banking reports and trend analysis

  • Income and Expense table, PL table

  • Balance Sheet (Trends and weights)

  • Lending and deposit analysis and trends

  • More additional details

Overall Platform

Rs.75000/year /user
  • Stock Analysis

  • Banking Analysis

  • Economic Analysis

  • Customized Support

Enterprise plan

For an enterprise plan for your organization, please reach out to us directly. Contact us via email at [info@tathyanka.org] or call us at [9851344099]. We look forward to assisting you in achieving your business goals effectively and efficiently.