Banking Analytics

Payment Systems Indicators for 2081 Kartik

Published: 14 December, 2024 | By: Tathyanka Admin

Payment Systems Indicators for 2081 Kartik

A. Access to Payment Systems in 2081 Kartik:

Looking at the access to payment systems in 2081 Kartik, we see some key changes:

  • ATM Machines (Terminals): The number of ATM Terminals in 2081 Kartik remained at 5,224 which is just 4 more than 2081 Asoj.
  • Debit Cards: The number of Debit Cards grew from 13,161 Thousand in 2081 Asoj to 13,245 Thousand in 2081 Kartik, indicating a steady rise in the adoption of debit cards.
  • Credit Cards: The number of Credit Cards remained nearly the same, with 299 Thousand in 2081 Kartik compared to 297 Thousand in 2081 Asoj.
  • Prepaid Cards: The number of Prepaid Cards  increase by 3,852  compared to 202,934 in 2081 Asoj.
  • Mobile Banking Users: The number of Mobile Banking Users grew to 25.76 Million in 2081 Kartik from 25.52 Million in 2081 Asoj, reflecting continued growth in mobile banking usage.
  • Internet Banking Users: The number of Internet Banking Users increased slightly from 2.026 Millon in 2081 Asoj to 2.057 Million in 2081 Kartik.


B. Usage of Payment Systems in 2081 Kartik:

In terms of usage, the payment systems saw some notable changes:

  • RTGS (Real-Time Gross Settlement): The RTGS transactions grew significantly, reaching 7.819 Trillion NPR in 2081 Kartik, compared to 4.681 Trillion NPR in 2081 Asoj
  • ATM Cash Withdrawals: ATM withdrawals decreased from 103.9 Billion NPR in 2081 Asoj to 90 Billion NPR in 2081 Kartik, which reflects a decrease in cash withdrawals during this period.
  • Debit Card Transactions: Transactions made through Debit Cards decreased from 108 Billion NPR in 2081 Asoj to 94 Billion NPR in 2081 Kartik, showing a downtrend in card-based payments.
  • Mobile Banking: Mobile banking transactions continued to decrease, from 401.2 Billion NPR in 2081 Asoj to 374.7 Billion NPR in 2081 Kartik, further reflecting the lower use of mobile banking platforms.



The data from 2081 Kartik shows an upward trajectory for both access and usage of payment systems in Nepal. The comparison between 2081 Asoj and 2081 Kartik reveals that there has been steady growth in areas such as mobile banking, RTGS transactions. This continued growth reflects the increasing digitalization of Nepal’s financial systems, which will continue to drive further adoption of digital payment methods in the future.



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